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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by CoutCali 12th August 2020, 9:03 pm

Đọc về cô này tui suy nghĩ đảng dân chủ hết người rồi sao mà đưa 1 ông già dâm dục với 1 gái làng chơi ra ứng cử tổng thống ? 


January 27, 2019
Willie Brown admits it: Kamala Harris slept her way to the top
By Monica Showalter

Kamala Harris, that vaunted self-righteous feminist candidate who's using her 'year of the woman' chops to challenge President Trump in 2020, has a little problem: She slept her way to the top.
You know, the mistress thing, not exactly moving on up based on hard work or merit, that little advantage of good looks (President Obama called her the 'best-looking' state attorney general), employed to their optimal practical use. Her political patron, former lawyer to pimps, Mayor of San Francisco, and State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, admitted he helped her get her political start, writing in his bloggy [url=http://yes%2C we dated. it was more than 20 years ago. yes%2C i may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when i was assembly speaker. and i certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in san francisco. i have also helped the careers of house speaker nancy pelosi%2C gov. gavin newsom%2C sen. dianne feinstein and a host of other politicians.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.
And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

Now you know where we get these people from. Somehow Harris, who was in her late 20s or 
at most 30 when she dated the 60-year-old married Brown around 1994 did so because he was just so very irresistable. Here's how the San Francisco Chronicle reported it on Twitter:

WILLIE BROWN: "I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my 'relationship' with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Yes, we dated."https://t.co/xkzR0YhIl0
— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) January 26, 2019

That of course, was in exchange for certain kinds of favors. Her rival, Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren got her start playing fake Indian. Kamala went the old fashioned way, sleeping her way to the top. Democrats have some pool of candidates here in this 'it's our turn' year of the woman and out to Get Trump offerings.

Willie Brown, of course, was California's most powerful politician, which might have had something to do with why Harris was out 'dating' the married man twice her age. And it's interesting because Brown, a former attorney for pimps in his pre-political days, seems to have a taste for the kind of women often seen in a positive light by pimps, such as 
this one - who represents Brown's taste in women. Not that it mattered that he was married, he's always had a girlfriend in the picture, according to the article. And well, Kamala was one of them.
Other reports say that once Kamala got the office she wanted from Brown, she dumped him. Brown made a cutesy reference to Kamala saying she was going to ticket him for jaywalking, which sounds like overkill, probably the kind of statement someone with a guilty conscience would make, not wanting anyone to know about how she got her office. What's more, Harris has kept virtually all references to Brown out of her numerous memoirs on the market. 
Some feminist she is. She slept her way to the top and now it's out. It's actually not the first time it's been out, but since it's coming out now so early in the campaign, perhaps it was an inoculation shot, the way that candidate Donald Trump's team must have released the Melania Trump nude modelling shots to the New York Post to make it 'old news' so as to assure it would not become a campaign issue the day before the election.
All the same, it's disgusting, and while Trump is no angel on the love front, at least he never offered sex for political favors, either to women or from women. He never cheated on someone's spouse to get himself some political power the way she did. So now that Harris is presented as a role model and antidote-to-Trump these days, is she going to encourage all the little girls out there by saying that getting a politically strong boyfriend is the way to make it big in politics now? One wonders.
Let's hope she has to answer some questions about it from the Trump camp in what's sure to be a pious and hectoring political campaign.


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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by CoutCali 12th August 2020, 9:04 pm


Kamala Harris Dated Willie Brown Decades Ago and Her Critics Claim It Matters

Renewed attention on the relationship is feeding people opposed to her 2020 campaign

 Brittany Martin

January 29, 2019

Influential California politician Willie Brown inserted himself into Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign this week, penning an op-ed for the San Francisco Chronicle detailing his romantic relationship with her in the 1990s. The relationship was never a secret, but the public acknowledgement ignited new criticisms of Harris. Commentators began to imply she benefitted professionally from the personal relationship, possibly even only getting to where she is today because of their liaison.
Willie Brown was a fixture in California politics for years, serving as speaker of the state assembly for 15 years, and known as something of an unofficial deal-maker and influencer. He first met Harris in 1994, when she was an assistant district attorney in Alameda County. He was 60 years old at the time, and had been estranged from his wife, Blanche Brown, since 1981.
In his capacity as speaker, Brown appointed Harris to two political positions. The first was a six-month appointment to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board; the second was a role on the Medical Assistance Commission, a body tasked with negotiating contracts to control Medi-Cal costs. At the time, Brown had a reputation for filling many openings with his personal associates and inner circle; when Harris vacated the Appeals Board gig, he replaced her with his longtime buddy Philip S. Ryan.
Harris ended the relationship–which was conducted in the open and frequently reported on at the time–in late 1995, shortly before Brown was sworn in for his first of two terms as mayor of San Francisco.

By the time she ran for district attorney in 2003, Harris had actively distanced herself from Brown, but that didn’t stop the two men competing with her for the D.A. job from trying to drag her for the relationship, which was already eight years in the past.
“[Terence] Hallinan and [Bill] Fazio aren’t attacking Harris’ platform (which they both profess to generally share) or professionalism (each admits that Harris is a competent prosecutor),” S.F. Weekly reported in September of 2003. “Rather, they are knifing her with innuendo, saying her ties to the outgoing mayor would cause her, as district attorney, to look the other way should her former beau or his political minions ever be credibly accused of committing crimes in office. The charge that she is Brown’s puppet—that she’s guilty by association with a mayor who has not been found guilty of anything—infuriates Harris.”
As Harris tried to shake her ties to Brown in that ’03 race, he found ways to keep their connection in the public eye. He donated $500 to her campaign and, reportedly without input or consent from Harris’s team, had a consultant who had worked on his mayoral campaigns send out a fundraising letter on her behalf, carrying his name.
“I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco,” Brown asserted in his Chronicle piece. “I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, and a host of other politicians. The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I ‘so much as jaywalked’ while she was D.A.”
With the renewed interest in the Harris-Brown affair, criticisms of Harris that resemble amped-up versions of those lodged against her in 2003 are making the rounds again. Twitter pundits (mostly the right-wing variety) have accused her of acting as Brown’s “mistress” in exchange for unearned political patronage.

Floozy Kamala Harris was banging her married boss Willie Brown, then-mayor of San Francisco, who admits he jump started her political career, FYI. #KamalaHarris2020
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) January 28, 2019

“It is difficult to find any successful politician in San Francisco who does not have history with Brown,” David Siders wrote in a recent story for Politico. “Even so, Harris’s critics used the relationship to contend that she was not independently qualified to hold office.”
Brown frames his Chronicle piece as something of an act of support for Harris, starting off by saying he has been inundated with calls asking him to comment on their relationship, and by writing the op-ed he is aiming to simply set the record straight. And whether the Harris team was involved in the publication or if it was done without her knowledge, it may end up being a strategic boon. Critics will have a field day with it now, months before primaries even begin, and voters won’t be surprised later on in the process. Or it could be that Willie Brown’s real motivation was reminding us all that he used to be powerful and once dated a woman who is suddenly very, very famous. Maybe it’s a complicated mix of personal feelings and political gamesmanship played out on the public stage.
The bigger question may be why opponents are so eager to explain the rise of Harris–a rare woman of color in the highest rungs of power–as the corrupt benefit of a romantic liaison rather than a result of her own political acumen.


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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by CoutCali 12th August 2020, 9:15 pm

Kamala-harris-launched-her-political-career-in-bedroom-as-mistress-of-married-mayor-willie-brown. Jan 27, 2019

Jim Hoft

Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  NvJPVAD-?format=jpg&name=small[/size]

Confirmed: Kamala Harris Launched Her Political Career in Bedroom As Mistress of Married Mayor...[/size]
For the record: We completely expect the tech giants to censor and shadow-ban this report as they have to our previous reports on Kamala Harris. But this is truthful information the public deserves...kamala-harris-launched-her-political-career-in-bedroom-as-mistress-of-married-mayor-willie-brown 8:25 AM · Jan 27, 2019

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admitted this week to an extramarital affair with Kamala Harris.
Brown also admitted to giving Harris her first state jobs.

In a short article in the San Francisco Chronicle Brown admitted to the extra-marital affair and to appointing Harris to two state commissions.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The San Francisco Weekly reported on Kamala’s affair with Willie Brown in 2003.

If she can just get out from under this damn Willie Brown thing.

Harris routinely tries to distance herself from her ex-squeeze, whom she hates even talking about. The mere mention of their former liaison makes her shoulders tense, her hands clench, and her eyes narrow.

“I refuse,” she says vehemently, “to design my campaign around criticizing Willie Brown for the sake of appearing to be independent when I have no doubt that I am independent of him — and that he would probably right now express some fright about the fact that he cannot control me.

“His career is over; I will be alive and kicking for the next 40 years. I do not owe him a thing.”

She acknowledges that Brown is an “albatross hanging around my neck” and fears that voters who dislike him will ignore her candidacy — even as she dismisses such an act as irrational. “Would it make sense if you are a Martian coming to Earth that the litmus test for public office is where a candidate is in their relationship to Willie Brown?” Harris asks. “Willie Brown is not going to be around. He’s gone — hello people, move on. If there is corruption, it will be prosecuted. It’s a no-brainer, but let’s please move on.”

Would that politics were so simple.

San Francisco voters tend to have long memories, and Brown himself is complicating Harris’ attempts to shed him politically. He personally gave $500 to her campaign, and a political consultant who worked on both of his mayoral runs is raising money for Harris — without her consent — using a pitch letter signed by Brown. Harris denies asking the mayor for fund-raising help and knows it gives her antagonists even more ammunition.

She also knows there’s not much she can do about it, except to keep saying that the affair is ancient history and that she is a good candidate with good ideas. But as Harris well understands, the more she tries to explain away the Willie factor, the bigger a factor he becomes.

Ryan Saavedra


Kamala Harris on transnational gangs and cartels: "The president's medieval vanity project is not going to stop them. "

Harris offers no solution as to what she believes will stop the drug cartels

Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  KVy9nfW1gm43O8co


Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  TVJ2-zs8?format=jpg&name=small



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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by CoutCali 12th August 2020, 9:27 pm


[size=60]Extramarital affair with Kamala Harris? Former San Francisco mayor, 84, admits it happened[/size]

By Louis Casiano | Fox News

Former San Francisco mayor claims extramarital affair with Kamala Harris

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown is claiming he had an extramarital affair with Kamala Harris 20 years ago.

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown addressed his past extramarital relationship with U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris in his weekly column Saturday, saying he may have boosted the presidential hopeful's career.
[size=18]"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago," Brown wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle.
"Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was [California] Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco."
Brown, 84, pointed out that he also helped the careers of other prominent California Democrats, such as U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom and U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D.A.,” Brown wrote. "That's politics for ya."
Brown appointed Harris -- about 30 years younger than Brown and just a few years out of law school – to two well-paid state commission assignments on the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission, the Washington Free Beacon reported.
"Whether you agree or disagree with the system, I did the work," Harris said in a 2003 interview with SF Weekly. "I brought a level of life knowledge and common sense to the jobs."
[size=36]"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D.A.”[/size]
— Willie Brown, former mayor of San Francisco

The former mayor also connected Harris with campaign donors, which helped her outraise her opponent for San Francisco district attorney, Business Insider reported. Brown's involvement in her election raised questions as to how Harris would remain impartial, given his enormous political clout.
Questions about Brown’s relationship with Harris began anew after she announced her 2020 presidential bid on Martin Luther King Day.
During his two terms as mayor of San Francisco, Brown was known for his charm, arrogance and ego, according to a 1996 profile in People magazine.
Named one of the world’s 10 sexiest men by Playgirl magazine in 1984, Brown sometimes attended parties with his wife on one arm and a girlfriend on the other, according to a reporter quoted by the magazine.
Brown and Harris broke up in 1995 but remained political allies. In Saturday's column, Brown said Harris is "riding a buzz wave the likes of which we haven’t seen in years."
Fox News contacted Harris' office for a response to Brown's claims but did not receive a response.
For the past decade or so, Brown has reportedly been linked with Sonya Molodetskaya, a Russian refugee and socialite. He is said to be separated from wife Blanche Vitero, whom he married in 1958.
Brown and Vitero have three children, while Brown also fathered a child in 2001 with his former fundraiser, Carolyn Carpeneti, according to the Chronicle.


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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by chandoi 13th August 2020, 8:51 am

CoutCali wrote:Đọc về cô này tui suy nghĩ đảng dân chủ hết người rồi sao mà đưa 1 ông già dâm dục với 1 gái làng chơi ra ứng cử tổng thống ? 

Of course ghe

Đến từ : Thành Phố Buồn, USA

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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by CoutCali 13th August 2020, 5:03 pm


[size=40]Harris says she has smoked pot and supports marijuana legalization[/size]

Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  181205143516-devan-cole-byline-small-11

By Devan Cole, CNN

Updated 1:21 PM ET, Mon February 11, 2019

Kamala Harris says she has smoked pot 01:09

Washington (CNN)Sen. Kamala Harris, a former California attorney general, said Monday she has smoked marijuana and supports the legalization of the drug.
In the interview, given to the New York-based radio show "The Breakfast Club," co-host Charlamagne Tha God asks Harris if she has ever smoked.
"I have. And I inhaled -- I did inhale. It was a long time ago. But, yes," the California Democrat replies, invoking former President Bill Clinton's famous "didn't inhale" remark he made during his 1992 presidential run.
[size=18]Harris, laughing as she realized the attention that her admission might draw, said that she tried pot in college and noted that it was in the form of a joint.

"I just broke news," she said.
[size=16]The 2020 presidential contender dodged Charlamagne Tha God's question about whether or not she would try it again if it were legalized "all throughout the country," but said that she thinks "that it gives a lot of people joy and we need more joy."
As for marijuana legalization, Harris told Charlamagne Tha God that she supports it.
"They say you oppose legalizing weed," he said.
"That's not true. And look I joke about it, half joking -- half my family's from Jamaica, are you kidding me," Harris replies, laughing.
"No, I do not -- no, no. I have had concerns, the full record, I have had concerns, which I think -- first of all, let me just make this statement very clear, I believe we need to legalize marijuana," she said. "Now, that being said -- and this is not a 'but,' it is an 'and' -- and we need to research, which is one of the reasons we need to legalize it. We need to move it on the schedule so that we can research the impact of weed on a developing brain. You know, that part of the brain that develops judgment, actually begins its growth at age 18 through age 24."
"But I am absolutely in favor of legalizing marijuana. We've got to do it," she said later in the interview. "We have incarcerated so many, and particularly young men and young men of color, in a way that we have not for the same level of use (among) other young men."
Harris' stance, which aligns herself with a growing movement in the Democratic Party and even among some Republicans, appears to be at odds with where she stood in 2014 when she was running for re-election as California attorney general.
In an interview with KCRA-TV in August 2014, Harris is asked to respond to her opponent's stance on the issue.

"Your opponent, Ron Gold, has said that he is for the legislation of marijuana recreationally. Your thoughts on that?" the station asks her.
"Um, I -- that he is entitled to his opinion," Harris replied.

CNN's Justin Peligri and Maeve Reston contributed to this report.[/size]


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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Bảo Nguyễn - người Việt nổi tiếng .... dơ

Post by CoutCali 13th August 2020, 5:07 pm

Không biết BN có phải vì mê cái lờ của em Trà Hoa Nữ không mà đâm đầu vô sửa wiki cho history của em thơm như múi mít 

[size=48]Wikipedia Editors Sanitize the Page of Potential Biden VP Kamala Harris[/size]
29,094Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Kamala_Harris-Laughs-Applauds-640x480AP Photo/Steven Senne
7 Jul 20205,689


An article in the Intercept last week reported that a Wikipedia editor was scrubbing the page of former Democratic Presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), considered a prominent member of the shortlist to be Joe Biden’s Vice Presidental pick. The piece mentioned changes such as removing a past campaign finance scandal and Harris’ record as a hard-line prosecutor. Changes not mentioned include removals of the alleged role nepotism played in her early political career and significant favorable additions about Harris.

Other Wikipedia editors have begun working to undo the changes made to the Harris page, although many details remain missing. On Twitter, the Wikipedia editor responsible for most removals was identified as Bao Nguyen, a former volunteer organizer for the Harris campaign. Similarly, editors previously created pages for fellow Presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Andrew Yang without disclosing their connections to them

The Intercept article by Aida Chavez notes that in 2016, editors had been heavily involved in contributing to the article on Tim Kaine prior to him being announced as Hillary Clinton’s Vice Presidential pick. As a result, a user on Reddit created 
a script to monitor for activity about prospective VP picks for Biden and noticed significant editing of the page for Kamala Harris. Other Reddit users identified a single editor by the username “Bnguyen1114” as the primary party responsible for the activity.

Chavez delved into the editor’s activity on the Harris page and how he removed content potentially unfavorable to Harris. Among the edits noted was the 
removal of a paragraph regarding her defense of Orange County prosecutors implicated in widespread misconduct, which Nguyen claimed was removed for “proof-reading” yet not restored until after the Intercept piece. Nguyen also removed details about a campaign finance violation involving Harris’ campaign for District Attorney, removing most criticism of defenses Harris gave for the violation. A quote from Harris stating “it is not progressive to be soft on crime” was also removed by Nguyen, but restored shortly after the Intercept article.

Not mentioned were other removals of unflattering material by Nguyen. These 
included details about Harris benefiting in her early political career from a relationship with future San Francisco mayor Willie Brown, then the Speaker of the California Assembly, who she dated. Also excluded were the substantial salaries she earned at positions to which Brown appointed her and a quote from Brown’s mayoral campaign manager about how the relationship benefited Harris. Another editor subsequently removed all mention of Brown, claiming “sexist” framing. Mention of Brown’s appointments was later restored, though only noting them and briefly stating she and Brown were in a relationship at the time.

One other detail 
removed involved how Harris handled an investigation into the death of Mitrice Richardson, a black woman who, after being detained by the Malibu sheriff’s department for not paying her bill at a diner, was released in the middle of the night without a car or phone and was later found dead in a canyon. Harris eventually closed an investigation she had opened into the death under pressure from the public, stating there was insufficient evidence for criminal charges. Mention of the Richardson case is still absent from the article.
Many edits Nguyen made to the article on Harris also added positive material. This included significantly expanding content about her securing of mortgage settlements with the major banks, citing her own memoir for some details, and addition of material lauding her questioning of Attorney General Bill Barr during his nomination, uncritically repeating her claims Barr refused to answer her for fear of perjury. Nearly all the content in both instances remains in the article. Much of the extensive positive expansion by Nguyen was reversed by administrator Michel Aaij, or “Drmies” on Wikipedia, calling it “grossly excessive and excessively detailed” and poorly-sourced. Following Aaij’s reversal, Nguyen began cutting extensively from the article instead.

Since the Intercept article, editors have attempted to reverse a number of changes Nguyen made to the article, though have 
so far rejected completely undoing his removals, arguing every change should be vetted carefully. This has not necessarily fixed the issues with Nguyen’s removals. While a brief mention of the campaign finance scandal when Harris ran for District Attorney has been expanded, where the material prior to being removed noted her many attempts to excuse, defend, or downplay, the campaign finance violation, the article now only states Harris accepted “full blame” for the violation.

Readers of the Intercept article began investigating Nguyen’s identity after the piece was published. An 
IP address apparently belonging to Nguyen was identified due to edits made right before his account’s first edits. Combined with his use of the same account name on another social media site, online sleuths identified the editor as Bao Nguyen, a Bay area lawyer listed on LinkedIn as a “Volunteer Organizing Leader” for the Harris Presidential Campaign. Katherine Maher, Executive Director of the Foundation that owns Wikipedia, criticized Nguyen’s identification as doxing in a reply to one person posting the name on Twitter and also criticized Nguyen for violating policies on conflicts of interest. On Wikipedia, Nguyen acknowledged the accuracy of the identification, though claimed he mistakenly thought his common last name made him sufficiently untraceable.

While Nguyen has 
denied being “employed” by the Harris campaign, he stated that he has volunteered for Democratic campaigns and met Harris. Such volunteer work could be construed as a “conflict of interest” on Wikipedia, which editors are expected to disclose on articles they edit. His failure to disclose is not unusual, as the creator of the page on 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg also volunteered in one of his campaigns, but did not disclose this fact. More egregiously, the editor who created Wikipedia’s page on Andrew Yang, another 2020 candidate, did not disclose that she was the marketing manager for Yang’s non-profit. She later served on his campaign.

Such editing by editors with c
onflicts of interest, including paid editing as with Yang’s page, is a common problem on Wikipedia even when going against policies and, in cases of undisclosed paid editing, the site’s Terms of Use. However, Wikipedia’s greatest source of bias on political articles remains the site’s agenda-driven editors whose editing has become so slanted even the site’s own co-founder has accused Wikipedia of becoming too left-wing.

Update — After the publication of this article, Bao Nguyen admitted his involvement with both the Harris and Biden campaigns. On a page for discussing concerns about editors with conflicts of interest, Nguyen admitted he was a volunteer on the Harris campaign. He also mentioned briefly volunteering for Biden’s presidential campaign. In response to concerns, Nguyen committed to recusing indefinitely from further edits to the Harris page. Due to this disclosure, an administrator imposed a restriction on Nguyen prohibiting him from editing articles about Harris, Biden, and other political figures for whom he has volunteered.

T. D. Adler edited Wikipedia as The Devil’s Advocate. He was banned after privately reporting conflict of interest editing by one of the site’s administrators. Due to previous witch-hunts led by mainstream Wikipedians against their critics, Adler writes under an alias.


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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Bản thân cô Trà Hoa Nữ hút sách mà lại bắt người hút sách vô tù ????

Post by CoutCali 13th August 2020, 5:19 pm


Campaign fact check: Here’s how Kamala Harris really prosecuted marijuana cases

As district attorney, Harris oversaw 1,900 convictions for pot offenses

[size=13][size=11]U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., speaks at the AARP Presidential Forum at the Waterfront Convention Center in Bettendorf, Iowa on Tuesday, July 16, 2019. (Olivia Sun/The Des Moines Register via AP)

By CASEY TOLAN | ctolan@bayareanewsgroup.com | Bay Area News Group[/size][/size]

PUBLISHED: September 11, 2019 at 6:00 a.m. | UPDATED: September 12, 2019 at 3:27 a.m.
[size=18]SAN FRANCISCO — Kamala Harris’ opponents and critics have picked apart her prosecution of marijuana crimes during her presidential run, knocking her for over-aggressive jailing of pot users and lambasting her as a hypocrite for saying she now supports legalizing the drug.
But Harris’ history of prosecuting marijuana cases as San Francisco district attorney is more nuanced than those debate-stage confrontations indicate, according to new data obtained by the Bay Area News Group and interviews with more than a dozen former prosecutors, defense attorneys, criminal justice experts and activists who’ve been following her career.
Harris oversaw more than 1,900 marijuana convictions in San Francisco, previously unreported records from the DA’s office show. Her prosecutors appear to have convicted people on marijuana charges at a higher rate than under her predecessor, based on data about marijuana arrests in the city.
But former lawyers in Harris’ office and defense attorneys who worked on drug cases say most defendants arrested for low-level pot possession were never locked up. And only a few dozen people were sent to state prison for marijuana convictions under Harris’ tenure.
“There is no way anyone could say that she was draconian in her pursuit of marijuana cases,” said Niki Solis, a high-ranking attorney in the San Francisco Public Defender’s office during Harris’ time as DA.
Still, advocates wonder why it took so long for the California senator to come out in support of marijuana legalization. She actively fought a ballot measure for recreational pot in 2010, co-authoring an opposition argument [size=18]in the voter guide, and stayed on the sidelines when a second ballot initiative passed in 2016.

Harris publicly came out for legalizing marijuana only in May 2018, after she was widely considered a likely presidential contender. Since then, it’s become a centerpiece of her plans to reform the criminal justice system. “We can’t keep repeating the same mistakes of the past,” she tweeted last year. “Too many lives have been ruined by these regressive policies.”
When it came to the fight for legalization, “she was nowhere, zilch, nada, no help,” said Tom Ammiano, a former San Francisco supervisor and assemblyman who has endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders for president. “Like a lot of candidates for a lot of offices, she’s come to Jesus on the issue. But it does leave a bad taste in your mouth about how sincere or how authentic she is.”
of marijuana cases in the state are prosecuted by independently elected county district attorneys.
As San Francisco DA from 2004 through 2010, however, Harris had wide latitude to decide which marijuana cases to prosecute and what sentences to seek in the city.
She took office after defeating the legendarily liberal District Attorney Terence Hallinan. During their acrimonious campaign, Harris criticized Hallinan over his office’s low conviction rate and vowed to run a tighter ship, although she mostly focused her rhetoric on violent crime. Both candidates supported medical marijuana, which was already legal in California.
Over Harris’ seven years as top prosecutor, her attorneys won 1,956 misdemeanor and felony convictions for marijuana possession, cultivation, or sale, according to data from the DA’s office. That includes people who were convicted of marijuana offenses and more serious crimes at the same time.
While there were more marijuana convictions during Hallinan’s tenure, there were also a lot more arrests. San Francisco arrest data compiled by the Attorney General’s office suggests that 24 percent of marijuana arrests led to marijuana convictions under Harris, compared with 18 percent of arrests under Hallinan.
The comparison between arrests and convictions isn’t necessarily one-to-one, however — not everyone convicted of marijuana offenses was arrested for pot in the first place.


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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by CoutCali 13th August 2020, 5:21 pm

Cha là Donald Harris người Jamaica, mẹ Shyamala Gopalan Harris là người Ấn .....  cô ta nói mình là African American ???


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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by chandoi 14th August 2020, 8:27 am

Quơ luôn cả gốc Á nữa! Chơi kiểu của Ô bá mà

Đến từ : Thành Phố Buồn, USA

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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by CoutCali 18th August 2020, 4:15 pm

chandoi wrote:Quơ luôn cả gốc Á nữa! Chơi kiểu của Ô bá mà
Nhưng lại từ chối nguồn gốc Nam Mỹ ? bỏ uổng vậy sao không nhận ông bà là Nam Mỹ để quơ phiếu của dân Nam Mỹ   choioi


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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by MuaThuDuoiMua 18th August 2020, 8:42 pm

Nam Mỹ bây giờ là cái đinh gì, BLM mới là hút hàng  bua

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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

Post by chandoi 19th August 2020, 9:21 am

Với lại ba của mụ ấy từng có nuôi nô lệ bên Nam Mỹ nên dại gì đụng lỡ nó xì tùm lum ra nữa.

Đến từ : Thành Phố Buồn, USA

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Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ  Empty Re: Kamala Harris - Trà Hoa Nữ

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